Glycolic Acid
Are you getting the benefits of non-toxic glycolic acid (glahy-kol-ik) from your skin care?
- Anti-oxidants rendering free radicals harmless before they damage your skin.
- Clean pores so they look smaller and break-outs can’t happen.
- Collagen (kol’-ah-jen) and elastin (e-las’-tin) production decreasing lines and scar divots.
- Glycosaminoglycans (gli-kos-ah-me-no-gli’kan) (GAGS) increase to bind precious water to plump your skin.
- Ingrown hair on your body or pseudofolliculitis barbae (soo-do-fo-lik-u-li-tis) (bar-bay) on your face is removed.
- Scarring height is smoothed and depth is decreased.
- Skin texture is smooth and soft with good luster.
- Skin tone is uniform and bright.
- Our glycolic acid daily care improve your skin and keep doctor, home, and salon peel results between appointments.
Even doctors promote glycolic acid ... place your order today! We stand behind our products 100%.